
How to be the ‘It girl’ of your own life

Being an ‘It girl’ means taking ownership of your life and finding out what being the best version of yourself looks and feels like. Deciding how you want to show up for others and more importantly, yourself. There are a few steps you can add to your routine to level up your life and treat yourself the way you deserve and be the it girl that you are.

The most important and best advice I can give you is learning to love yourself, quirks and all. Obviously this takes time, definitely doesn’t happen overnight but the more time you spend by yourself, the more you will start to love you the way others do. Nothing is more important than self-love. After all, if you can’t love yourself, how can you love someone else?

Here are all my tips to incorporate into your day-to-day life to make yourself look and feel good:

Dress Up

There is power in wearing a good outfit, I always feel like if you love your outfit it just makes you feel good on the inside too.

Find out what you feel most comfortable in, whether that’s skirts or dresses, or jeans and trousers.

Wear things that make you feel good every day, get dressed up and live your life like it’s your movie.

Check out previous posts i’ve done that cover style and wardrobe essentials to help you.

Drink Your Water

In the past two years, I have really tried to increase my daily water intake, and I have noticed such a difference in my skin, and overall health since drinking water everyday.

I keep a bottle filled up overnight in the fridge, which I will drink throughout the next day. I like my water to be very cold, and at night I tend to take a nice cold, ice glass of water to drink before bed. It just makes such a difference!

Exercise and Meditate

In the words of Elle Woods: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands.”

Truer word have never been spoken. Doing a simple 10 or 20 minute workout every morning or evening can make such a difference not just in your physical health but your mental health also.

You don’t even have to go to the gym, there are plenty of You-tube workouts you can do for free in the comfort of your own home.

I will leave a link to my workout playlist for you to check out, if you are interested!

I have suffered from anxiety for many years now and I have noticed such a difference in my wellbeing since working out regularly.

Don’t pass up New Experiences

If you have the opportunity of a once in a lifetime experience, go for it! Whether that’s travelling the world, a great career chance, or just accepting a job offer. Live your best life and don’t worry what others say.

Not everybody will get the chance to do it but when given the opportunity, you should take it, you may never get the opportunity again.

Never be Afraid to Stand up for Yourself

This is something that i’m still trying to learn. Standing up for ourself can feel so daunting, but sometimes we just have to do it!

Start small and do a post about something you believe in and stand for, for example, climate change or sustainability. Make people aware this is something you’re standing up for. A small difference can go a long way.

Have a set Morning/Evening Skincare Routine

Implementing a skincare routine, is one of the best things you can do for yourself on a daily basis. It’s starting the day off right and unwinding after a long day.

Doesn’t have to be a 12-step routine. As long as you cleanse, tone, and moisturise and wear SPF your skin will feel pampered. And never, no matter how tired you are, forget to take your makeup off. Always remove your makeup.

Prioritise Self-Care

Having self-care days are my favourite.

My self-care day usually occurs on a Sunday. I will exfoliate my body, face and lips, shave, do a face mask and prepare for the week ahead.

Something I do on an almost daily basis is icing my face. Just taking an ice cube and running it across my face in the mornings feels so refreshing and wakes me up. Benefits of skin icing can help to: eliminate puffiness, particularly around eyes, reduce oiliness, ease acne, soothe sunburn, reduce signs of aging, and boost the skin’s glow.

Even just lighting a candle and reading a book is self-care. Anything that makes you happy, is self-care.

Work on your Apperance

What I mean by this is something as simple as getting the haircut you’ve always wanted! Get the bangs, fringe or layers. Get the Rachel Green haircut, you’ve been dreaming of! Remember if you don’t like it, it will grow out.

Getting a haircut can just help you to feel like a new woman and give you a confidence boost about the way you look. Anything that will make you feel confident about your appearance do it, as long as it isn’t dangerous you should do it!

Make a Playlist for your Life

Every great movie has a good soundtrack. Your life is a movie that also deserves a good soundtrack.

Making a playlist to romanticise your life will improve your outlook on doing mundane things, you will actually start to look forward to doing those things. Listen to it on walks, when you’re cleaning, baking or cooking!

Enjoy Learning and Literature

Take time to educate yourself about something either daily or once/twice a week that you’re interested in. It could be finding out more about a period of time you find fascinating. Learning about different aspects of a career you’re in or considering. Or even just events that are happening in the world. It’s important to stay up to date and educate ourselves, it can actually be fun.

Read that book you’ve been wanting to read. Reading is so fun and such a relaxing hobby that allows you to escape reality for a while which is so nice! Reading before bed, is a good way to unwind.

Try different genres of books until you find one you enjoy, if you don’t enjoy fiction maybe you will enjoy a non-fiction book more. You can never go wrong with a classic novel or a self-help book that will motivate you!

Keep a Journal

Journaling is a great thing to do to keep track of your days, how you feel or when you just need to get something off your chest. I find writing very relaxing and my mind always feels so much more clearer after i’ve spent a good time writing in my journal.

You can find journal prompts on Google or Pinterest that will help inspire you and give you some ideas.

Be Organised

Keeping your room tidy and cleaning up after yourself are ways of making your life feel less cluttered.

But also, just organising days to meet up with friends or someone you haven’t seen in a long time.

Organise your life so you can spend it with the people you love.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and it inspires you to level up your life and be the main character you are! That’s what being your own it girl is all about!

Remember these things take time, working on yourself and prioritising you and your health is the most important thing you can do!

With Love,

Lillie xo

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