Posts Wardrobe

Tips for Organising Your Wardrobe

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I don’t know about anyone else, but my wardrobe is in desperate need of a serious clean out. Also seeing how it’s now spring I feel much more motivated in organising it, and giving it the refresh it needs.

This is what my wardrobe was looking like before I cleared it out, I like to describe it as an ‘organised mess’

Whenever a new season begins, I always like to clean out my wardrobe and start bringing out my seasonal clothes which always makes me so happy! If you are thinking about clearing out your wardrobe, this is your sign. I hope these tips and tricks will help you if you have no idea where to even start.

The easiest way to start out a wardrobe declutter is by taking everything out and sorting into piles, Keep, maybe ( if there’s anything you’re unsure about keeping or throwing) and clothes you no longer want.

Once you have sorted into piles, you can start to put all the clothes you’re keeping back into your wardrobe. Organising by categories or colours.

When it comes to the maybe pile I would recommend keeping it for at least six months or less and see if there is anything you reach for. Anything you don’t, you know it’s time to get rid of them.

Organise your wardrobe in a way that suits you. One way I love to arrange my wardrobe is by colour, I love how polished it looks. It also makes picking out outfits so much easier!

Decide what needs to be hung or folded

For example dresses and skirts are better off hung up whereas t-shirts and sweatshirts are better folded. This will help you to have more available space to hang things up.

Switch seasonal wardrobe

I love to do this, so when I was organising my wardrobe I swapped out some of my wintery pieces for my summer clothes and it always feels so nice to refresh it for the season ahead! I do this every season and ensures you can keep them separated and have more room for any new purchases you make for a new season.

When getting your seasonal clothes out, sort through them. For example, after I had cleared my wardrobe , I was switching my wardrobe over for spring. I got my bag of spring/summer clothes out and went through to see what I was keeping and if there were any clothes I didn’t want any more.

Whilst it’s still early days of spring, I like to leave a few jumpers in my wardrobe and once it’s warmer I go through and put some away.

Shoe organisation

At the bottom of your wardrobe it’s nice to have your shoes stored there, I have an open built-in wardrobe so I love to have my nice shoes on display.

Extra storage options

If you’re in need of extra storage, it’s worth investing in the right storage solutions, if you’re in need of extra storage. However, you can always find affordable storage solutions on Amazon.

There are shoe racks you can buy that keep your shoes organised and can always find an option that will suit you.

I will link some storage solutions available on Amazon so you can check them out if you’re interested:

Shoe rack, useful for keeping your shoes all in one place.

Storage cubes, these are great for storing pyjamas, shoes, or seasonal clothes and can fit under beds or on the bottom of a wardrobe. They come in many different colours.

Another great solution is shoe storage boxes they can be stacked on each other or any way that’s easiest for you. They will also keep shoes together. Designed with easy open doors.

What should you do with clothes you no longer want?

When it comes to getting rid of old clothes, we can be tempted to just throw them away, even if they are not in good condition there are ways of reviving them. For example if they are holey, you could try and sew them back. Or you could even, make something new out of old clothes, it’s entirely up to you!

Donate them. Best option for old clothes, is to donate them to a charity shop. Visit a local charity shop and enquire about donating clothes, sometimes you can just go in with a bag of clothes and they accept them. It’s always best to just check beforehand.

Sell them. Another great option is to sell them on store websites such as Vinted, Ebay or depop. It’s easy to do and you can earn some money through selling clothes you no longer want. This is something i’m thinking about doing with my old clothes.

Recycle. There are so many other uses to get out of clothes you no long wear. For example you could use an old t-shirt as a cleaning cloth, or make something completely new out of it.

Ditch plastic hangers

Say goodbye to flimsy plastic hangers! There are plenty of better hanger options that not only look so much nicer but keep everything neater. Easier to take things out and put items in.

Some of my favourite hanger options include, Pink velvet hangers ( I have been using these for years and I just love how they look with my clothes) Also have metal hangers, they don’t take up too much room and come in many colours. ( these are in gold).

Another nicer and prettier option are silk hangers they look so luxurious and are great for hanging up dresses or coats.

If you find organising your wardrobe a chore ( believe me, sometimes it really can) it can also be fun. Blasting music or listening to a podcast whilst you organise or clean makes it so much more enjoyable. Romanticise it! You will feel so much better for doing it and get that sense of achievement after you have finished.

I just love how my completed organised wardrobe looks.

I hope these organisation tips help you, I will link some great website posts for you to check out, all about organising your wardrobe.

How to organise your wardrobe: Tips to keep it organised for good! (

31 Easy Closet Organization Ideas (On a Budget!) to Maximize Your Space (

35 Best Small Closet Ideas to Keep You Organized (

How To Organise Your Wardrobe: Helpful Tips & Tricks (

With love,

Lillie xo

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